Sunday, February 14, 2010


Well, we prayed for a boat for the new co-op on the first of January and by the second week, the Lord had provided.

We started 2 new projects at the beginning of 2010. One was a plea for $3,000.00 to build a boat for several of the local fishermen who wanted to start a co-op. The other was a need for an additional $4,000.00 to put 4 of the kids here into a bilingual school. Before we had time to even receive funds from y'all, within 1 week of our prayers for provision...ALL NEEDS WERE MET!

So, now we pray for what the Lord wants us to do next. Please pray for us and with us as we believe for God's will to be accomplished this year both here in Honduras as well as you wherever you are.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!! That is amazing! Praise God for his faithfulness!

    Love and blessings
