Friday, November 28, 2008

Build a cage and they will come

Cha Cha does her part to hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil.
She's got that monkey thing down.

Cha Cha likes to take a hot bath with her rubber ducky and fresh lemon slices
to keep the bugs away.
She's such a "girly girl".
Build a cage, and they will come.....Friday, November 28, 2008, one of the local pastors arrived with this kid and asked if we would adopt her...Food is scarce for lots of people and they can't afford to feed their animals. Of course, Susan was thrilled with this newest addition to the family, but we do ask that you be in prayer for the situation here in Honduras. Lots of rain, no money, little food, illness running rampant; these are just a few of the problems being faced daily in our area and throughout Honduras. To help financially (not the monkey....the people of Honduras) please send a check to Scott and Susan Ledford, c/o MVI, PO Box 593550. Orlando, Florida 32859-3550. Thank you for your support financially and in prayer. God bless y'all.