Thursday, May 13, 2010

Team Harris in the Moskitia

Hi There! We are so glad you found our webpage. We just finished up with a medical team and sent them back to the US none the worse for the wear. They had an exciting and adventurous trip into the Moskitia. The team served several hundred people with exams, medication, and prayer.

Renea Harris lead this medical team along with her daughter, Adrienne, Deena Handy, and Dr. Eric Coris, and last, but most certainly not least, Jim Street and Scott Ledford, Field Coordinators in Honduras. They saw a few hundred patients last week and gave out medications, check-ups, and lots of loving smiles and prayers. Thank you so much, you guys!!
DO YOU HEAR THE CALL?? We are always praying that people like YOU will put together a short term mission team and come spend time with us here in Honduras. After all, that IS the call of the Lord, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ".

If you are interested in getting a team together or have questions for us, feel free to email us at: