Sunday, August 30, 2009

Jason and Sarah Furrow

We have been given the blessing of friendship with Jason and Sarah. They are building an orphanage up at Urraco on beyond Rio Viejo. They are just the awesomest people! We are taking a Canada Youth Team up there to build a new playground in February. Anne-Marie Vosburgh and her team of teens build a "Jacobs' Place" playground for someone in Honduras every year...this time it will be built for: Give Hope 2 Kids. You can read lots about them on their website: A little sidenote: they received their first orphan last week.
Her name is Chitlin' and I fell in love with her...all their other orphans will be of the human variety, but this one has captured my heart. Frequent visits up the mountain are in order here.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

News Flash

Caloi and baby C.C. weighing in and Susan admiring God's handiwork

Hi! We have exciting news! Last night, August 28, at around 9:35 p.m., Dunia had her baby boy at home. They live in "Cassita Orquidia", the little house here on MVI property known as Mision del Mar. Caloi helped her to get the baby delivered, then Scott tied and cut the umbilical cord. Ginnie Street, one of our new missionaries here, cleaned the baby up and helped Dunia get him dressed properly. Susan manned the camera and got every exciting detail she could. Here are a few photos from the event! About 3 days ago, the Lord spoke to Susan and told her the baby would be born here at the house. Ginnie has this phrase she quotes often...."I don't know nothin' about birthin' no babies." I think it's from Gone With the Wind...anyway, Susan told her she better stop saying that....and, sure enough, there she was right in the middle of "birthin' babies"...And Ginnie was great at it! You will note that Susan is in mask and gloves. She has been very sick since January...3 months of dengue fever and then some low level flu and assorted bugs. A month ago, she got what was diagnosed as bronchitis and has been being treated by a pulmonary doctor since the 2nd week of the illness. After 4 weeks and still no improvement , she went to yet another specialist. After many, many tests, xrays, ultrasounds and examinations, the doctors announced their fears that she had something way more serious. This is Susan talking now, " I am NOT even speaking out what they said...I am believing what God said and that I am healed, cleansed, whole, and serving the Lord with gladness! That loser, satan, can't stand the thought that I am being called back into counseling, exhortation, and deliverance ministry and have been equipped with a faithful friend, assistant, co-worker in Christ, and TRANSLATOR in Ginnie Street. The two of us are preparing spiritually to storm the kingdom and do some "Street sweeping"...Clean up some people dressed in filthy rags of sin, illness, and demonic activity, and lift up the name of Jesus...The enemy just thinks he can keep me down, sick, and unable to serve. NOT!!! Let God arise and his enemies be scattered! Scott has effectively ministered here in Honduras for the last 4 1/2 years. The boat building ministry, feeding centers, motorcycle giveaways, movie nights in the villages without electricity, discipling fishermen, making this place look like a million dollars, keeping everything running, being a true ambassador of the Lord Jesus, this has been wonderful to be part of. I am excited to be jumping in with both feet and being a "Mary" for awhile...I have been a " Martha" for the past 4 1/2 years. Being a helpmate to Scott, preparing things for the teams to make their trip more comfortable, and trying to come up with yummy meals has been a blessing to me...But I am excited about what God has planned that is making the enemy sooooo mad...He has certainly tried to bring me down... So, thanks for your prayers and Praise God for Jim and Ginnie!


The little girls were there helping and watching the whole thing.
It was so cool! We praise the Lord that we got to be part of the exciting arrival of
CARLOS JOSIAS CASTRO ANTUNEZ aka C.C. (pronounced Say Say)
Thank you Father God in the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ for the miracle of birth and for allowing all of us to be part of it.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Earthquakes shake Honduras

The Military grabs the President, Mel Zelaya, in his nightclothes and delivers him out of the country. Roadblocks, threats of blood bathes, airports closed, landing strips lined with cars and equipment to keep the ousted President from landing on Honduras soil, threats to shoot down the plane if he didn't get out of Honduran airspace, strikes, failed attempts at peace talks, U.S. military asked to leave Honduras, Chavez of Venezula offering his Communist Regime to assist Zelaya, schools closed, curfews placed on everyone....
these are some of the happenings here the past few months. Check out reports and updates by typing in Honduras Political News online and pray, please.

And, while we stand fast, we continue to do the work set before us......

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Construction team

From this........

........To This in 1 week!!
Hot off the drawing board!! Scott and a 6 person team from Canada, 3 local helpers, and a little more than $2000 built this home in one week. The first photo is the tin heap they were living in. 5 people on one mattress in an area that is flooded lots of the time. Their mattress on the floor was soaked with water and mud frequently. Now, they are up off the ground, and are getting brand new beds, mattresses for each person, and their own sleeping areas. Elsie and her 4 children are so happy. We still need to build a septic tank and prepare an outdoor kitchen area, that will be done all in good time. Once again, because of the efforts of people like you, a family has seen the hand of God moving on their behalf. Isn't it exciting to be a Christian!!!!! Many thanks to Heather, Nikki, Sheena, Sue, Joseph, and Mark.
They worked so hard and all the while managed to laugh and have fun. God is so good. Oh, yeah. I wanted to add...The panels of white in the house are actually vinyl. We were sent a huge shipment of donated rolls of vinyl and have been trying to use it up on projects...with a small budget, Scott came up with this idea to use in place of wood. My mother always says: "USE IT UP, WEAR IT OUT, MAKE IT DO, OR DO WITHOUT". We did just that, Mom, and this has given us a new and inexpensive way to get people out of hovels and into a cute little home with plenty of light, air, and beauty.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Emily Nicole

Remember this kid??? This is our Emily Nicole...She is 3 on September 16th. and the cutest child who was ever born in Honduras...don't you agree? Just as a reminder, her mother was considering an abortion and we prayed together and she kept the baby. Can you imagine what a gloomy place this would be without that smile?

That's her mom, Victoria and her dad, Tito, holding Miss Millie on his lap. We get to spend the day together once in awhile. Emily calls me Abuelita Shusan. I am in love....

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pastor Training School

We have started a Pastor's Training School. Actually it is an accredited program from a University in the States. The people who finish the program can end up with an Associates', Bachelors', or Masters' Degree. Two men from the U.S. who have been involved here for years and years, will be teaching the curriculum. We have about 45 students. This, along with English classes, sewing classes, Bible Classes, and Christian activities, are keeping the new building well used and we are so grateful. That's Steve Harrellson, the Director of the School, teaching these "student pastors ".