Friday, July 31, 2009

They're Here!

After 3 years of preparation time, a short trip to Africa, a year in language school in Costa Rica, 6 months serving in Peru, FINALLY-they arrived the end of July. We have split the apartment in the mission house into 2 small apartments (small being a relative term) and Ginnie is nesting, Jim is doing a million projects along with Scott and we are getting to know one another rapidly...when on the mission field, you gotta jump in with both feet and start moving! And, that is exactly what's happening! We are excited, busy, planning, and seeking the Lord together with regard to what He has for the 4 of us to accomplish. Since Salma and Elvis left, Caloi, the guard, and his family have moved into the guard house here on the property. All of us will work together and serve the Lord with gladness and faithfulness here...We are all one big family growing together here at Mision' del Mar.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Caloi's Family

Caloi, Dunia, Daniella, and Salome are part of this family, along with that lump Dunia is presently wearing, that will become Carlos Josiah Castro Antune in a day or two...He is due to arrive at any moment! I already told them that this is way too much name for the baby and I am gonna call him C.C. (which is pronounced "say say" in Spanish....or maybe Jo Jo (pronounced Ho Ho, which is short for Josiah.) You know me.. always changing things up a bit...nothing normal, ever..march to the tune of a different get the picture.
Daniella was in school when we took this photo...Surprise!! There are actually classes once in awhile was one of them...they are few and far between.
Anyway, there is a photo of her and Salome further down in this newsletter. They are looking out of the window of "Meadowlark" our old Land Cruiser. Dunia is overdue right now, so please pray for her and we will update with baby photos once he arrives.

By the way, Caloi is the first person Scott met and built a boat for. At the time, he told Scott he had been contemplating riding his bicycle out in front of a car and killing himself. Since then, he has gotten a boat, started working for us as a guard, got saved!!!! Got baptised (there is a photo of that somewhere in this newsletter) and has been learning English. He is Scott's right hand man and Scott thinks the world of him...besides all that, the two of them LOVE to go fishing together. So, it's a win-win situation.