Monday, August 30, 2010

September 2010

September is upon us and we have a month of doing our own thing around here before the next teams come down to serve with us here in Honduras. Scott and Jim found a rosewood tree that had fallen into a river about 10 years ago...along with lots of the fishermen, they cut up the tree and pulled it out of the water. Now, it's being planed to use to build beautiful wooden tables for the mission house; a huge blessing after 5 years of plastic tables. The good thing is that the tables can now be used in our school area. And, Susan has painted a new sign to direct people down in the beach area where the mission house is located. Ginnie and Susan are preparing to start a "Women of the World" Bible study for the women of El Porvenir. Scott and Jim are teaching some leadership classes and we are all praising the Lord! Come see us or contact us and say hello. We are at: and on Facebook: SusanScottLedford. God Bless Y'all.