Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Eye Surgery

Right eye operated on successfully yesterday! I look like some freaky gigantic bug with these 2 big plastic things over my eyes to protect me from infection...and Scott laughs at me when he looks at me...every single, more prayer is needed for his bedside manner. Otherwise, I will be resting today and preparing for the endoscopy tomorrow afternoon at 3 p.m. God bless y'all...thanks for your continued prayers and faithfulness.
Scott can be a mean nurse, but he's sooo cute to look at when I am in the bed suffering... ok... maybe NOT suffering, but a little blurry....

Saturday, September 12, 2009

62,000 mile check-up - Susan Gets Some Readjustments

For all of you who keep up on us, Scott and Susan arrived in the US on Tuesday to see why Susan is so sick. She saw a primary on Wednesday, a gastro guy on Thursday, had left eye catarac surgery on Friday, go back on Tuesday for right eye surgery, then Thursday to have esphogus stretched during an endoscopy where they will look at the hernia (not affectionately known as Henry) and determine which surgery will be necessary to repair her stomach. So, poor Scott is playing driver, nursemaid, personal assistant, comforter, and (right this minute) mean old bossy husband telling me to get off the computer and stop stressing my eye. Oh, pooh!
So, as you can see, we both need lots of prayer....for Susan: healing, no pain, and submissive and obedient spirit... For Scott: patience, tenderness, kindness, long-suffering, tolerance, a gift of giving lavish gifts, a talent for back rubs, and the discovery of a new talent: reading Susan's mind and anticipating all her needs.

Old Friends and Celebrations

Pastor Bob Shelley was my spiritual leader when I was first saved.

Kelly and Donna West took Adrienne and I into their home and taught us so much about being "Jesus like" in our attitudes and hearts.

Betty and Tal Owen, shown here with Carol Schiro, another faithful supporter and friend, have been my spiritual parents since 1976. What a blessed life I have had in the Lord Jesus Christ! Oh, the list goes on and on with folks who have touched my life since June 5, 1975, when I got saved (born again). Praise the Lord!

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Get your motor running....
Get down on the highway..
Looking for adventure....
with whatever God sends our way....

Finally, some uplifting and exciting news! CMA, Christian Motorcycle Association, gives about a bajillion dollars to MVI each year to provide new motorcycles as transportation to pastors who also are supervisors and need to travel a lot. Scott, Jim Street, and some of the local pastors went to La Ceiba yesterday to pick up 8 new Hondas that will be given to pastors from all over Honduras.....then, rumor has it that CMA is coming in November and bringing money for several more to give away while they are here. We are planning a "blessing of the bikes" during their stay and we expect it to look a little like Bike Week at Daytona Beach minus the naked chicks and beer bottles...this one will be full of the naked truth of God's Word and blessings being soaked up by Christian brothers and sisters from Honduras and the US. Pretty cool, ey? (I did the "ey" thing for our Canadian Teams.)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Health Update

This is an update on Susan. Yesterday morning, I went to hear the final diagnosis on what is happening in my life. They had been concerned that it might be Tuberculosis or Lupus Disease....I was, frankly, planning my funeral...and, it would have been fun for those attending...HOWEVER, and that is a HUGE HOWEVER, they discovered that I have a hiatal hernia. It has gotten so large that it has caused my stomach to push into my lungs and seriously hinder my ability to breath. (Initially, they thought I had bronchitis and have been treating me for 5 weeks for that while doing extensive testing, labwork, xrays, ultrasounds and more.) I need to go to the US and have surgery...we will be flying out on Tuesday morning. Have to have rental car, coordinate with a doctor..have to HAVE a doctor. Please pray for painless healing, great doctor, good tasting medicine, and a quick recovery. LET GOD ARISE AND HIS ENEMIES BE SCATTERED! Hey, maybe I can get them to sew my stomach up a bit so I can lose weight once more before I am totally decrepit. Thanks for your prayers and concern. When you pray, please be specific...I have named the Hernia, pray that Henry leaves quietly and quickly without complications. (I hate long and drawn out goodbyes.)