Saturday, September 12, 2009

62,000 mile check-up - Susan Gets Some Readjustments

For all of you who keep up on us, Scott and Susan arrived in the US on Tuesday to see why Susan is so sick. She saw a primary on Wednesday, a gastro guy on Thursday, had left eye catarac surgery on Friday, go back on Tuesday for right eye surgery, then Thursday to have esphogus stretched during an endoscopy where they will look at the hernia (not affectionately known as Henry) and determine which surgery will be necessary to repair her stomach. So, poor Scott is playing driver, nursemaid, personal assistant, comforter, and (right this minute) mean old bossy husband telling me to get off the computer and stop stressing my eye. Oh, pooh!
So, as you can see, we both need lots of prayer....for Susan: healing, no pain, and submissive and obedient spirit... For Scott: patience, tenderness, kindness, long-suffering, tolerance, a gift of giving lavish gifts, a talent for back rubs, and the discovery of a new talent: reading Susan's mind and anticipating all her needs.

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