Thursday, December 30, 2010

2011 Happy New Year!

2011 isn't quite upon us and already we have lots of wonderful things happening. The year is filling up already with teams coming,(4th photo is Hazel Amos with the GAP ministries prayer team) this team is here right now, we prayed over and launched boat #55 or 56 today...I have lost count.(3rd photo is of the 4 guys who are gonna operate this boat as a co-op. The boat name is: Siervos de Dios...Servants of God.)
2nd photo is some kids praising God and being given school supplies for the New Year. 1st Photo is our new church: Seaside Sanctuary, that we built in less than a month. It's an English service on Sunday mornings. Most services here are at night, so we don't interfere with the Spanish services. Mostly, other missionaries attend this service for some praise and worship and fellowship in English. We need to do this to refuel.

So, make your New Year's Resolution to draw closer to the Lord and know that we pray for y'all and wish you a blessed and Jesus-filled New Year at best! Please pray for Jim and Ginnie Street, and Scott and Susan Ledford at the mission house. We need to know that there are people back home thinking and praying for us.

Monday, November 1, 2010


We have 5 children going to private schools so that they may get a decent education..we continue to build boats for local fishermen, we have people who need houses, bathrooms, basic essentials. If you are interested in helping financially, send donations to: Missionary Ventures International, PO Box 593550, Orlando, Florida, 32859-3550. ATTN: Preference for Scott and Susan Ledford in Honduras. These are tax deductible contributions and, oh yeah, it will certainly be a huge blessing. God bless you as you give and "go into all the world" with us. Well, at least into Honduras.

Happy Holidays from Susan and Scott

Please make sure you scroll down and click on older posts as you look at these photos. We have tried to load you up on wonderful images and not so much chatter. Enjoy and God Bless Us All! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


the people of Honduras, all the animals, good friends, babies we helped deliver, our new church services here at the mission house, Cha-Cha, the monkey, and Chili, her faithful companion, and so much more.
Scott opens our first church service. Brother Gary Williams is sitting on the front row and preaches to us every Sunday at 10 a.m. That's Peggy, his wife, sitting beside him.
Butterflies, known as Mariposas in Spanish, are prolific here in the rain forest.
One of many indigenous birds to Honduras.
One of many artifacts at the Mayan Ruins in Copan.
Jessica, our Peace Corps Volunteer and Susan's precious friend.
Cha-Cha, our monkey, and Cowboy Chili, one of our dogs, have become fast friends.
These folks graduated from English class here at the house.
Josias, we call him Ho-Ho, turned 1 year old in August. We helped deliver him last year here at the mission house.

Med Team Visits La Libertad

This medical team visited a village that was about 5 hours by car, 1 1/2 hours by foot, with the aid of a Land Cruiser, donkeys, horses, and brute force, to be the first mission team to ever come to La Libertad, Honduras. A wet and very muddy group served the medical and dental needs of these precious villagers. A blessed time was had by all.

October Photos....

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

President Pepe Lobo & Friends

We have had the best month. A team from Canada and Texas joined up to build a house and do a Bible School for kids. It was a total success!

Then we were off to a conference in Copan. Not only was it a wonderful time of fellowship, good food, and great friends, but we got to meet the President of Honduras, Pepe Lobo. It was a wonderful experience for us and I am including the photo so you believe my story. Thanks to Ginnie Street manning the camera, Nikki and I got to chat a bit and give him a hug.

Monday, August 30, 2010

September 2010

September is upon us and we have a month of doing our own thing around here before the next teams come down to serve with us here in Honduras. Scott and Jim found a rosewood tree that had fallen into a river about 10 years ago...along with lots of the fishermen, they cut up the tree and pulled it out of the water. Now, it's being planed to use to build beautiful wooden tables for the mission house; a huge blessing after 5 years of plastic tables. The good thing is that the tables can now be used in our school area. And, Susan has painted a new sign to direct people down in the beach area where the mission house is located. Ginnie and Susan are preparing to start a "Women of the World" Bible study for the women of El Porvenir. Scott and Jim are teaching some leadership classes and we are all praising the Lord! Come see us or contact us and say hello. We are at: and on Facebook: SusanScottLedford. God Bless Y'all.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Scott builds a coffee roaster for local orphanage

Chili aka Cowboy aka Sweet Daddy MoxLox


We have teams coming in June, July, and August and we are really excited! So are all the Honduran people who benefit from the services these folks bring.

In June, Megan and Laura, a couple of school teachers from the States, will be down tutoring kids and helping any way they can to be a blessing. July brings a big group from Canada and Indiana who are joining forces to build a new home for Caloi, who works for us at the mission house. Caloi and his family have been blessed by the Lord in many ways this past 5 years and this is the biggest blessing of all. A new home on their own property! Wow! And, a new baby this past year. Josias, aka HO-HO, will turn one year old in August! I will include a photo or two of him with this article.

Then, August brings our friend, Catherine Dietz, as an intern for the month. Also, we are thrilled to be hosting another mechanics team! Rob Chabot, along with Abe Molsen, and others, will be coming to serve the Honduran pastors and some missionaries with their skills in car and motorcycle repairs. This is such a huge blessing to so many people. With the financial backing of Christian Motorcycle Association,we have given away about 35 or more motorcycles in the past 5 years. Now, these guys get repairs and parts replaced for free because of the dedication and faithfulness of several sponsors in the U.S. Thanks to all who participate in this ministry.

And, thank YOU for keeping all these things and a multitude of other ministry projects going on down here in Honduras....COME SEE US SOON. CONTACT MVI IN ORLANDO. FLORIDA, AT PHONE NUMBER 1-407-859-7322, or contact us at or SusanScottLedford on Facebook.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Team Harris in the Moskitia

Hi There! We are so glad you found our webpage. We just finished up with a medical team and sent them back to the US none the worse for the wear. They had an exciting and adventurous trip into the Moskitia. The team served several hundred people with exams, medication, and prayer.

Renea Harris lead this medical team along with her daughter, Adrienne, Deena Handy, and Dr. Eric Coris, and last, but most certainly not least, Jim Street and Scott Ledford, Field Coordinators in Honduras. They saw a few hundred patients last week and gave out medications, check-ups, and lots of loving smiles and prayers. Thank you so much, you guys!!
DO YOU HEAR THE CALL?? We are always praying that people like YOU will put together a short term mission team and come spend time with us here in Honduras. After all, that IS the call of the Lord, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ".

If you are interested in getting a team together or have questions for us, feel free to email us at:

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


If you received an email from us asking for money, DO NOT SEND MONEY!!!! Someone hacked into our email accounts and Facebook and has been contacting people on our contacts list and pretending they are us and asking for money.

DO NOT SEND MONEY!!!! We would never ask for funds from anyone like Missionary Ventures in Orlando if you ever want to be involved in not send anything to any address unless you have spoken to us first. In person...Anyone who knows us would never fall for such a poorly executed bunch of garbage as what we saw written. Thanks to all of you who have notified authorities with regard to this scam.


We love you and appreciate your prayers on behalf of the criminals and for us as we try to straighten out this mess. DO NOT USE THE YAHOO ACCOUNT OF OURS ANYMORE. The criminals have taken the account out of our hands and are using it for bad purposes..

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Well, we prayed for a boat for the new co-op on the first of January and by the second week, the Lord had provided.

We started 2 new projects at the beginning of 2010. One was a plea for $3,000.00 to build a boat for several of the local fishermen who wanted to start a co-op. The other was a need for an additional $4,000.00 to put 4 of the kids here into a bilingual school. Before we had time to even receive funds from y'all, within 1 week of our prayers for provision...ALL NEEDS WERE MET!

So, now we pray for what the Lord wants us to do next. Please pray for us and with us as we believe for God's will to be accomplished this year both here in Honduras as well as you wherever you are.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Remember Emily? She has been part of our Honduran Family since 2006. We love her and hope to be able to help with her education this next year. She's one of our miracles here!

Meanwhile, we have praise reports!!! We have all the money needed to pay for the 4 children we have in bi-lingual school...Here's a photo of their first day of the new school year. school . Honduran schools run on a schedule of February thru November. From left: Jonathan, Josue, Daniela, and Salome...They are very excited about school and blessed because of faithful supporters. Y'all rock!! Thank you. God is so good!

Monday, January 11, 2010


BRRR! It's so cold here in Honduras, but Jossue, Daniella, and Salome and I are bundled in blankets and watching a movie in Spanish....We are freezing! But enjoying The Polar Express. Many thanks to Jessica and Nicole who made it possible to see this movie in Spanish. WHAT A DIFFERENCE A WEEK MAKES. CHECK THE PHOTO BELOW!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Looking Forward ......

We are looking forward to the teams of 2010. Hope you are on one of them...If not, it's not too late to put a team together and come work with us here in El Porvenir. Hey, our mission house is on the beach!! Who could ask for a nicer place to work for the Lord?